Scouting the Settlers

The Spanish Settlement at Santa Fe

Dead friar at the churchAbove you in the garrison, Spanish cannons fire. The natives storm the church and set it ablaze. On the church steps, they kill the Spanish priest. The brutal killing astounds you. You must learn more.

A Spanish priest slips past the place where you are hidden.

Stop the Spanish priest and ask him to explain.

Go back and learn more from the warrior.

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Copyright 2000 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation


tenochtitlan: Aztec-Spanish Santa Fe: Pueblo-Spanish Saint Augustine: Timucua-Spanish Jamestown: Powhatan-English Long Island Sound: Pequot-English Plimouth: Wampanoag-English Lake Ontario: Iroquois, Huron-French Saint Lawrence River: Micmac,Cree,Abenake-French Sainte Marie: Wyandot-French