Scouting the Settlers

The Spanish Settlement at Santa Fe

Now that the battle is won, Popé gives you an interview. Bringing the Pueblo with you who can interpret Popé's words into your language, you ask Popé to explain what he has done.

Knotted ropeHe says: "I called together the warriors of all nineteen Rio Grande pueblos by sending runners with cords of maguey fiber, knotted to show the number of days 'til the uprising. As the maize ripened under the new moon, we drove the Spanish away.United, we claimed victory!"

He says, "Spanish Christianity is terrible. If you live a good life, when you die, they keep you out of heaven because you are an Indian. And because you are good, they keep you out of hell. We will return to our religion—our masks and kachina dances!"

Make your report.

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tenochtitlan: Aztec-Spanish Santa Fe: Pueblo-Spanish Saint Augustine: Timucua-Spanish Jamestown: Powhatan-English Long Island Sound: Pequot-English Plimouth: Wampanoag-English Lake Ontario: Iroquois, Huron-French Saint Lawrence River: Micmac,Cree,Abenake-French Sainte Marie: Wyandot-French