tropical plant

Amazon Interactive
Coffee and Conservation

Forest panorama

 You chose the maximum income strategy

  • 2 hectares of coffee on primary forest
  • 1 hectare of cacao on primary forest
  • 1 hectare of maize on secondary forest

Map of your 15 hectare plot of land

You earned $390! That's less than it would have been in previous years, due to a drop in coffee prices, but enough for your family to live on.

But you've only got three hectares of primary forest left. Your family has to walk to the far end of your land to find medicinal plants. The water in the creek running past your house is always muddy now. There's little shade left to escape the hot noonday sun.

You realize that you have nearly run out of primary forest. Soon you'll have to plant your crops in secondary forest--or find another line of work besides farming. Some people in your Quichua community are talking about ecotourism. Instead of farming more land, the community can earn money by bringing in tourists and teaching them about the Quichua way of life. Do you think the community should consider ecotourism? Or would you like to start over with your cash crops?

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