Scouting the Settlers

The English Settlements on Long Island Sound

Pequot massacreYou find a native Pequot who knows enough of your language to communicate.

She tells you, "Some English trader named John Oldham was killed. The English say a Pequot did it. No proof. But that does not matter to the English. Uniting with our enemies, they have undertaken to destroy us entirely—stalking us, killing us, selling us into slavery.

"We are no longer permitted to even say we are Pequot. A tribe that once inhabited the proud banks of the Hudson has vanished like a vapor from the face of the earth."

Make your report.

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tenochtitlan: Aztec-Spanish Santa Fe: Pueblo-Spanish Saint Augustine: Timucua-Spanish Jamestown: Powhatan-English Long Island Sound: Pequot-English Plimouth: Wampanoag-English Lake Ontario: Iroquois, Huron-French Saint Lawrence River: Micmac,Cree,Abenake-French Sainte Marie: Wyandot-French