Scouting the Settlers

Pequot villageTIME: 1637

PLACE: The English Settlements on Long Island Sound

You have traveled many days from the middle of the continent, east to the coast. You are scouting the English at Long Island Sound. As you seek the settlement Fort Saybrook, you come upon a great Pequot village under attack by white skinned people.

In the woods around you, you see native warriors—not Pequot, but Narraganset and Mohegan. Strangely, they do nothing to help the Pequots under attack. The white skinned warriors throw fiery torches, setting the wigwams of the Pequot aflame.

You keep hidden, watch and wait.

You stop a Mohegan warrior to ask what is happening.

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tenochtitlan: Aztec-Spanish Santa Fe: Pueblo-Spanish Saint Augustine: Timucua-Spanish Jamestown: Powhatan-English Long Island Sound: Pequot-English Plimouth: Wampanoag-English Lake Ontario: Iroquois, Huron-French Saint Lawrence River: Micmac,Cree,Abenake-French Sainte Marie: Wyandot-French