Scouting the Settlers

The French Settlement of Nouvelle France on the St. Lawrence River.

Too much brandyYou try the brandy. It runs like fire down your throat. You wait for dreams to come.

Instead of dreams, you find you want to boast and to fight. The Micmac who has given you brandy pushes you to a hiding place. He laughs. Although you still want to fight, your strength has left you.

The next day, you are ill.

You have seen and heard enough. Make your report.



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tenochtitlan: Aztec-Spanish Santa Fe: Pueblo-Spanish Saint Augustine: Timucua-Spanish Jamestown: Powhatan-English Long Island Sound: Pequot-English Plimouth: Wampanoag-English Lake Ontario: Iroquois, Huron-French Saint Lawrence River: Micmac,Cree,Abenake-French Sainte Marie: Wyandot-French